First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Cell Phone*
Do you own dogs?
Experience with dogs and/or volunteering*
Areas of Interest (check all that apply).
Please note that all Cause for San Bernardino Paws volunteers must meet the following requirements: *Volunteers must be 16 years of age or older. *Volunteers must wear attire appropriate for handling animals while working (i.e. no flip-flops). *Volunteers have a basic understanding of dog handling and training and will let Cause know of any limitations. *Volunteers will let Cause know of any physical or medical limitations they have prior to working. *Volunteers must be willing to complete a volunteer orientation. Do you understand and meet all of the requirements?
Do you have any physical or medical limitation which would limit the type of volunteer activities you can do?
If yes, please explain. If not applicable, please enter N/A*
Do you have health insurance?
Name of health insurance company*
Many times we need help transporting animals to and from adoption and special events. Please answer the following: Do you have a valid CA driver's license?
Do you have transportation?
If yes, is the car covered by liability insurance?* Choose one: Yes No Not Applicable
Name of auto insurance company*
If you are under the age of 18, do you have your parents permission to volunteer?
Please enter your consenting parent's information. Include name, parent's phone number and email address. If not applicable, please enter N/A*
Liability Waiver for Volunteer/Participant As a volunteer/participant of Cause for San Bernardino Paws, I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury and I agree to assume the full risk of any injuries, including death, damages or loss which I may sustain as a result of volunteering/participating in any and all activities associated with Cause for San Bernardino Paws. I do hereby fully release and discharge Cause for San Bernardino Paws, their officers, agents, servants, and employees from any and all claims from injuries, including death, damages or loss which may occur to me on account of my volunteering/participating with Cause for San Bernardino Paws. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless and defend Cause for San Bernardino Paws Rescue, their officers, agents, servants and employees from any and all claims resulting from injuries including death, damages and loss sustained by me and arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with volunteering participating with Cause for San Bernardino Paws. By selecting yes, you agree to the terms on this Waiver of Liability.
Photo Release During my volunteer time with Cause for San Bernardino Paws, I understand my photo may be taken at various events. By signing below I also hereby grant Cause for San Bernardino Paws permission to use my likeness in photograph(s) and/or video(s) in any and all of its publications or online, whether now known or hereafter existing. I will make no monetary or other claim against Cause for San Bernardino Paws for the use of the photograph(s) and/or video(s). I have read and understood the foregoing, and I am 18 years or older. If I am under 18 years old, I understand my parent must sign a separate form which must be on file prior to any volunteering. By selecting yes, you agree to the terms of this photo release.
Typing your name below to acknowledge that you understand and agree: I fully understand that: (a) there are inherent risks involved with interactions between humans and dogs, as well as between dogs and other dogs, which may result in property damage or bodily injury, including but not limited to, permanent disability, sickness or death to human or dog; and (b) there may be other risks which I will assume if not known to me or any Cause for SB Paws volunteer, nor readily foreseeable at this time (collectively, “risks”). “Sickness” includes any illness not limited to bordetella (kennel cough), canine influenza, bloat, or any other form of contagious disease. I fully accept and assume all risks and responsibility for all risks, including, without limitation, all losses, costs and damages incurred as a result of my, a friend and/or family's, and/or my dog(s) participation in meeting, adopting, fostering, volunteering a Cause for SB Paws dog, including any veterinarian expenses. In the event of any litigation, I agree to pay the cost of all legal fees for all Releasees. I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and can read this statement and understand the English language. This agreement and release of liability will last in perpetuity. *
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