If you are a San Bernardino area resident and you can no longer care for your dog, you must submit 3-4 clear pictures to cause4sbpaws@gmail.com along with dog's name, age, breed, sex, when/where/how you got the dog, why you can no longer keep the dog, any health/behavior issues, and how the dog is with kids, other dogs, cats, etc. We can look for a foster or network for a rescue with room ONLY IF you send pictures and ALL of the above information to cause4sbpaws@gmail.com.

Once you have emailed everything above, check back in with us and let us know if you no longer need our help. If we do find a foster and we can accept your dog into Cause for SB Paws, you must then submit this Owner Surrender Form.

Once this form is submitted, you hereby certify that you are the rightful owner/keeper/caretaker/custodian of the animal(s) who is/are the subject of this Animal Surrender Form, hereinafter referred to as “the animal.” You hereby surrender any and all property rights to the animal today, the date of this form submission, and certify that no other person has a right of property to the animal. You understand that by surrendering your property rights to the animal, the animal may be transferred into the custody of another rescue. You also hereby certify that the information you provide in this form (medical, =behavior, any bite incidents) is true and accurate. You understand that once you relinquish the animal, the animal will not be available to be returned. You further certify that you have read and understand the terms of this Animal Surrender Form.



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