Dachshund (short coat) : : Female : : Adult : : Medium Learn more about the Dachshund.
Sweet, full-sized Dachshund Athena (most are used to mini-Dachshunds but Athena is full sized) was thrown out of a car at a San Bernardino dog park. A horrified onlooker took her in and contacted us. She is microchipped, so we tried the contacts listed just in case they were not the ones who left her at the park - and they were horrified. They had given her to a colleague a few months back because they fell on hard times, and the colleague fit the description of the family that had thrown her out of the car. They asked us to find her a great home, so we are now looking for a dachshund-experienced FOREVER family. Dachshund lovers know the health issues the breed can wxpereince, especially back issues, so we are looking for a family prepared for that.
If you are that Doxie loving person, please email cause4sbpaws@gmail.com and/or fill out an application now: http://www.causeforsbpaws.org/forms/form?formid=3251 More about AthenaGood with Dogs, Good with Kids Video of Athena: